Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Program and Paper Committee:

Sylvain Lazard: Program committee of the ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry 2012 (SoCG'12) and of the European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG'12).

Sylvain Petitjean: Program committee of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'12).

Editorial responsibilities:

Xavier Goaoc: Editor of the Journal of Computational Geometry.

Sylvain Petitjean: Editor of Graphical Models (Elsevier).

Workshop organizations:

Sylvain Lazard co-organized with S. Whitesides (Victoria University) the 11th Inria - McGill - Victoria Workshop on Computational Geometry (Workshop on Computational Geometry ) (Bellairs Research Institute of McGill University) in Feb. (1 week workshop on invitation).

Xavier Goaoc was co-organiser of the Journées de Géométrie Algorithmique 2012 (http://jga2012.fr ). This event gathered the french community of computational geometry (50-60 participants) for one week.

Xavier Goaoc was co-organiser of Algorithms & Permutations 2012 (http://igm.univ-mlv.fr/AlgoB/algoperm2012/ ). This event gathered 70 participants from theoretical computer science for two days.

Xavier Goaoc organized a workshop on interactions between stochastic and computational geometries (http://webloria.loria.fr/~goaoc/ANR-Presage/meetings.html ) where 21 participants, on invitation, worked for a week on research problems at the interface between stochastic and computational geometries.

Other responsibilities:

Sylvain Lazard: Head of the Inria Nancy-Grand Est PhD and Post-doc hiring committee (since 2009). Member of the Bureau du Département Informatique de Formation Doctorale of the École Doctorale IAE+M (since 2009). Member of the hiring committee for St Dié assistant professor position. Chargé de formation par la recherche for Inria Nancy-Grand Est.

Laurent Dupont: Responsible of admissions of IUT Charlemagne, University Nancy 2 (September 2011- September 2012). Member of Commission Pédagogique Nationale Infocom/SRC (since 2011). Member of Commission Information Scientifique (Inria/Loria).

Xavier Goaoc: Chair of the Inria COST-GTRI committee (since 2011).

Guillaume Moroz: Member of the organizing committee of the Olympiades académiques de mathématiques. Vice delegate of the Commission des Utilisateurs des Moyens Informatiques pour la Recherche. Invited to give a course at Young researcher School EJCIM 2012 and doctoral school of science and technology of Versailles.

Sylvain Petitjean: Until August: Scientific delegate of Inria Nancy Grand-Est and chairman of its Project committee (since 2009). Member of the Executive committee of Inria Nancy Grand-Est, member of its Commission des développements technologiques. Member of Inria's Evaluation committee. Since September: Acting director of the Inria Nancy Grand-Est. Member of Inria's Executive committee.

Marc Pouget: Member of the CGAL Editorial Board (since 2008).